Album Review: Floating Circles Quartet – Eleven Yesterdays Ago

Floating Circles Quartet
Eleven Yesterdays Ago
(self-released EP)
Floating Circles Quartet is essentially a vehicle for composer and clarinetist Aidan Pearson, a student of Tomorrow’s Warriors and the Guildhall School who has self-released this new EP. Whilst Pearson cites Brian Eno as an influence and describes the band as ‘jazz/ambient’ the band is essentially laid-back contemporary acoustic jazz.
The first track on the EP, Always We Can Meet, features a tight arrangement with some well-placed unison passages and some fine guitar work from Dom Stockbridge. From the beginning you can tell that their music is very much about the interplay between clarinet and guitar, and this is also evident on the all-too-brief title track. Pearson has a beautiful tone on the instrument, with a mature sense of phrasing and intonation.
Distrait Mountaineer, the second track, is more atmospheric, with delicate arco bass and drum mallets, whilst the fourth and final track, Grandfather’s Clock, shows more of a classical influence in Pearson’s articulation and phrasing and gives the listener a chance to hear more of Arthur Newell’s excellent drumming. Throughout the EP there’s some lovely under-stated and subtle drumming from Newell and, especially in the final track, some soft, delicate bass playing from Jonny Wickham.
Charlie Anderson
Aidan Pearson, clarinet; Dom Stockbridge, guitar; Jonny Wickham, bass; Arthur Newell, drums.
The EP is available on Bandcamp and Soundcloud.