Big Band Scene (May 2019)

The self congratulatory Brighton Festival is back again, bigger, better and ever more ambitious. Without a whisper of a big band and very little jazz. Yet again. And only three big band events in the Fringe. Although I suspect this is due largely to the increasing, and for most local bands, unaffordable cost of registration. Nevertheless, despite the lack of official recognition, there is still much big band activity this month.
For instance, near the start of the month, The One World Orchestra is appearing at The Brunswick. This magnificent ensemble has developed from the Paul Busby Big Band, and its core repertoire of Busby compositions has been expanded to include original works by band members including the M.D., Paul Nieman. A project taking shape and associated is One World in Music Education. More details when they are available.
And near the end of the month, in addition to its regular slot at Patcham on the last Friday, the Les Paul Big Band is booked in at The Verdict.
Other big band gigs are available. Details of which can be found in the listings here.
Following on from last month’s appeal for help to find parts for incomplete pads here is a further selection. As before, some parts may not be missing at all; the arrangement may be five saxes and five brass and three rhythm section.
There isn’t space for the whole list, so here, in alphabetical order, is the next part. More to follow in later columns as space permits.
(The) Impossible Dream– in Bb, (arr. Ed McLin) – Alto 2, Tenors, Baritone Sax
Knock On Wood – in D, (no details) –Drums
La Cucaracha – in F, (arr. Art Dedrick) – Guitar.
Malaga – in Ab, Bill Holman – Trumpet 4
Mexican hat Dance – in Bb, Les Brown – Drums
Moonlight Serenade – in Bb, (arr. Richard Maltby) – Piano
Mouse in the Dairy – no key, Ken Wheeler – Piano, Guitar & Drums.
Princess Pat – in F, (Buck Clayton) – Guitar, Bass
Rockin’ In Rhythm – in C, (arr. Tom Davis) – Alto 1, Baritone Sax
Rue Chaptal – In Db, (arr. Francy Boland) – Piano, Guitar, Bass & Drums.
Side By Side – In Bb, (arr. Dave Grusin) – Vocal quartet
Skip It – In Bb, (arr. Jiggs Noble) – Trumpet 3
Smooth Touch – in C, Louis Bellson – Alto 1
Straight Life – in F, Freddy Hubbard (arr. Ian Hamer) – Piano, Guitar, Bass & Drums.
(The) Swinging Shepherd Blues in C, (arr.Dennis Wright) – Trumpet 4
Teach Me Tonight – In Db, (arr. Dave Barduhn) – Trumpet 3
Tenderly – In Eb, (arr. Johnny Warrington) – Alto 1, Drums
As before, if you can assist, the preferred format is a pdf file. Failing that, please photograph the part, and send it to me as a jpg file. If your band’s library appears to be missing any parts which are not on the database, I will add them to this list for publication in a future column.
Finally, as Brexit hasn’t yet kicked in, it is still acceptable to the authorities for your band to cross the channel and play. As shown by the photograph of The Johnny Spice Swing Orchestra’s recent visit to Veules-les-Roses in Normandy.
Next month: Hopefully another band profile, and more news about big bands based in, or appearing in, the county. If you would like your band featured, and I have not already contacted you, please get in touch. Anything else, such as gig news, or feedback on this column, that you would like me to include in June’s Big Band Scene, please send it to me by Sunday 12th May. My email address is