John Surman Interview

You’ve recorded more than thirty albums under your own name. Which recordings are your favourite?
“I didn't realise there were so many! Hard to choose a favourite – I like bits and pieces from all of them I suppose – certainly the most popular in terms of sales has been "Private City" – but I enjoyed making them all really. I think the last CD I made "Saltash Bells" came out pretty well.”
You’re performing in Brighton on Tuesday 18th November. What can we expect to hear at the concert?
“I intend to play a selection of pieces from the Saltash Bells CD – but of course, they will come out differently when I perform live! Then, as Karin Krog will still be in the UK following the LJF, I have invited her to join me on a few pieces – so I think it will be an exciting concert.”
You’ve written a lot of compositions over the years. Where do you get your inspiration from?
“Who knows where the inspiration comes from? I Sometimes find that I can spend hours working on some ideas and feel that I am getting nowhere – then, just as I've popped some potatoes on to boil, I'll get a great idea, dash to the piano start writing – and suddenly detect the smell of burning spuds! So you never know!”
This interview appeared in issue 32 of The Sussex Jazz Mag, available here.
John Surman appears at Brighton Dome Studio Theatre on Tuesday 18th November.
For more information on John Surman: