Live Review: Richard Exall/Ben Cummings at Smalls, Brighton

Richard Exall/Ben Cummings
Smalls, Brighton
Thursday 15th October 2015
If you like small band mainstream melodic jazz, then Small’s is definitely the place for you.
Dennis Simpson books the finest British, European and visiting American musicians fortnightly from October to May each year.
Check out the web site to view the outstanding programme.
The band romped through the starting “Rosetta” and treated the audience to a whole range of standards from and including Cole Porter, Duke Ellington, Tad Dameron & Louis Armstrong.
The front line excelled throughout with the ballads played with sensitivity on tenor & flugelhorn. Not to be out done, Jonathan Vinten weighed in with some exuberant solos particularly on the blues numbers.
The whole evening was a delight and every one left with smiles on their faces.
Richard Exall, tenor, alto sax and clarinet
Ben Cummings, trumpet and flugelhorn
Jonathan Vinten, piano
Steve Thompson, double bass
Piers Clarke, guitar
John Edwards