The Residency: The Bristol Bar

How did the gig come about?
Jack Kendon: “In May 2011 I just went in there and said “It looks like you need some jazz’.”
What have been the most memorable moments?
Jack: “My Dad’s leaving do was fun and memorable. It was packed and Rod Hart and Imogen Ryall came down. Loads of people were there.”
“There have been so many memorable moments. When Dave Drake returned from New York – that was a special night.”
Dave Drake appeared with saxophonist Josef Stout on 9th January earlier this year to a packed crowd.
The Bristol Bar also host their own jazz stage during The Kemptown Carnival.
What other musicians have performed here?
Jack: “Everyone in Brighton and some mates from London”.
Saxophonists Will Gardner and Ian Price are regulars, along with vocalists Sara Oschlag and Ela Southgate, together with a host of top-class rhythm section players such as pianists Al Scott, Tom Phelan and Dave Drake, guitarists Paul Richards, Luke Rattenbury, Oli Corrigan and Jason Henson, bassists Terry Pack, George Trebar, Eddie Myer and Dan Sheppard and drummers such as Pete Hill, Loz Thomas, Tristan Banks and Mattia Bourgis.
Jack Kendon hosted Jazz at The Bristol Bar every Thursday from 8:30pm, from 2011 to 2015
The Bristol Bar, Paston Place, Kemptown, Brighton BN2 1HA